...Homeopathic and Energetic Services
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About Homeopathy

Bonnie has been my homeopath for over 2 years. She has proven to be tenacious when coming to a blockage or hurdle and fully committed in finding the right remedy or potency to overcome it. Always compassionate and involved in the healing process and taking her time and effort to understand the process in order to be supportive of this process. I have moved through so many layers (in the healing process) and I am very grateful to Bonnie for her everlasting support.

  Amsterdam, Netherlands

Homeopathy is a unique approach to health care. Homeopathy can improve health while preventing illness using cost effective remedies created from natural sources. It is a 200 year old system of healing that was founded by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. The word ‘homeopathy’ comes from the Greek and means ‘similar suffering’. This refers to the central philosophy of Homeopathy that a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a person who is ill. Homeopathy works with your symptoms to help heal illness, rather than just suppressing the symptoms. It stimulates the body’s own healing capacity and natural defenses. In short, a tiny dose of a carefully selected substance is given to encourage the body’s natural healing ability, enabling a person to gently return to health.

Symptoms are seen as the body’s way of communicating to us that all is not well. Homeopaths treat the whole person seeing each patient as a unique individual with a distinctive personality and symptoms, not as a collection of disease labels. Any condition (physical, mental or emotional) from which the body is capable of making a recovery can be treated by homeopathy. Even in a serious condition, homeopathy may be able to promote a feeling of well being though it may be unable to cure the total condition. Using safe, non-toxic remedies homeopathic treatment works with your body’s healing powers to bring health and well being.

Whatever your difficulties: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Bladder Infections, ADHD, Asthma, Allergies, Problems with Your Menses, Migraine, Ear Infections, Cold Sores; Infertility, Arthritis, Insomnia, Depression, Headaches, Dizziness, Nose Bleeds, Constipation, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Miscarriages, etc., homeopathy can be of help.

Call 970-626-9828 or email Bonnie@IntrinsicVitality.com  to make an appointment or find out more about how homeopathy can help you. Appointments are available in the Ridgway,CO office, via telephone, or via Skype.
    Copyright - Bonnie Heidbrak